Great facsimile for R/C flying
The flight dynamics of this particular sim are exceptional and thus it makes this app a great tool for practice. Even though the graphics are not as good as some others and additional aircraft models may be a little pricey by some standards, this is definitely made up for with the usefulness that this app provides for simulating and testing your skills as an R/C pilot. Granted, the control rates, trims and weather are non adjustable, but the control response isnt too twitchy like some other simulations. Its also great to see that this particular app doesnt reduce the art and fun of R/C flying into a game either, with needless challenges and other such nonsense as so many other available "R/C" flying apps do.Though it only comes with just one airplane (a basic trainer) for a free app in todays self-entitled world of "gimme, gimme," thats A-OK with me because after all; this app is FREE. And though games may be fun, sometimes you may just wish to keep up on your skills when you cant get out and fly, and I am glad to say that this is a true simulation and provides as much as can be done for a smart phone app.
Condor1984 about